• 2 years ago

Tips on How to Win Free Weed in 2022!

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Tips on How to Win Free Weed in 2022!

Surprisingly there are so many wonderful tips on how to win weed! In 2022 your goal should be to keep winning as much free weed as possible!

Not sure what state, city, or country you’re from. But, as cannabis consumption increases every day – it becomes evident to state that prices for an ounce, or even a gram can become out of reach and sometimes the habit of smoking weed can become expensive. 

Are you finding yourself in this position? Are you going through a dry month of scavenging for every roach you’ve left behind? Because sure as heck you’re not willing to keep spending so much pocket cash on cannabis this many times a month! 

Turns out that if you’re a dedicated connoisseur that indulges in cannabis, you’ll know that there are multiple ways of winning free weed! Let that be your mission for the year – as you can win not only free weed but all the paraphernalia that comes with it.

There are tons of creative ways of finding opportunities within the cannabis industry, as many brands are growing and are needing promotion/reviews/community assistance to spread the word of their venture. So, let’s begin and see how you too can win free weed, our fellow stoners!

Join Free Referral Programs With Friends: 

Tips on How to Win Free Weed in 2022! 2

There are tons of referral programs that will send you the cannabis for free, all you have to do is refer a friend or your stoner buddy that can help you on winning more free weed. 

MagicalButter gives $25 cash as a referral reward to advocates, and $25 off as a friend offer. “We really wanted to make it worth it for our customers. It’s something people love to use and love to talk about. You can see it from all the blog reviews and video reviews about us. So it just makes sense to get it in as many hands as possible. We use our referral program to keep it spreading far and wide.”

You can learn more on How To Set Up Your Referral Program’s Incentives (With 12+ Examples)

Another affiliate program that seems worthy is this promotion that’s going on: ​​Get $30 in Free Weed from greenRush 

1. Visit this greenRush $30 Free Credit Referral Promotion to get started. 

2. Click on the “Buy Weed” button in the top right of their website. 

3. Enter your ZIP code to check availability in your area. 

4. Shop available products in your area and add them to your cart. 

5. Create a free greenRush account to start your checkout. 

6. The $20 credit will automatically be applied to your first order. 

7. The $10 credit will automatically be applied to your second order.

There’s also a two-sided referral program that means that both sides of the referral get rewarded for a successful referral; the advocate gets the referral offer, and the new customer gets the friend offer. Not only does it feel good because they are a win-win for both advocates and friends, but you get to understand how the system works and expand your horizon more on obtaining that free weed!

Also, it doesn’t hurt staying local by calling up some of your dispensaries nearby and seeing if they have free samples of new strains that arrived. You can also inquire about edibles, pre-rolls, vapes, tell them you want to be their guinea pig!

Well.. speaking of being a trial experiment, there are many positions on earning cash or winning free weed by becoming one of their experimental studies. 

Get Free Weed Through Clinical Studies: 

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This is quite an adventurous and bold path to choose, so choose with caution. However, there are many scientific studies that offer pretty sweet deals and take place all over the world, where they can even fly you in for some research. Participating in these experiments – it helps with the evolution of cannabis becoming more mainstream and in turn, you get to indulge in free weed.   

  • The US NIH has an extensive database of cannabis studies you can apply for. The Johns Hopkins Research Unit is regularly updating its list of cannabis researches that need volunteers. 
  • Over 190 studies are ongoing and many more being experimented
  • For instance research like:
    • Age Differences in the Effects of Cannabis on Simulated Driving
    • Stress-Reactivity and Cannabis Use in Cannabis-Using Older Adults
    • Aging and Marijuana: Benefits, Effects, and Risks

The University of Kentucky is looking for cannabis research opportunities, studying the effects of cannabis on young users. As long as you are 18-34 years of age and use cannabis, you are eligible to apply for an interview. UCLA is also regularly looking for research volunteers, as is Alta Sciences (and they also pay their participants). 

Share with us your stories if you were ever able to win free weed? Always remember to keep your eyes out for these opportunities in life, as there’s an abundant amount of free weed that is given on a daily basis! Let the search begin for free kush.