• 4 years ago

The 2020 Stoner Guide to Surviving the Coronavirus!

2020 is filled with insanity and the first month is not even over! This new decade definitely came rolling-in with a huge bang. And unfortunately, this is not the type of bang you like…

Just as we exhaled that WW3 was not going to happen and that the tension between USA vs Iran has finally subsided, a new problem started sprouting from the eastern side of the world. 

There’s been a new deadly virus that’s been spreading faster than the Australian bush-fires and it’s coming from populated city of China, called Wuhan. It has been reported that more than 5000 people have become infected with this deadly virus and over 100+ deaths have now been recorded. 

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

Say hello to your new-enemy; Coronavirus.

We are just as frightened as you are and want to make sure that our beloved stoners are taking the appropriate precautions to avoid this deadly virus. 

Here’s our 2020 List for Stoners to Survive the Coronavirus:

Don’t share your Bong + Joint:

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

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I know this might be hard for our generous stoners, but this is a matter of life and death. So, just refrain yourself from sharing until some sort of vaccine is available to the public. 

Next time, you’re invited to smoke-sesh and everyone is passing around a joint or a blunt it’s going in a rotation and every single person is swapping their saliva with you. 

A recent study demonstrated that spit swapping harbors over 700 different, mostly anaerobic bacterial species. Yes! This means that bunch of bacteria, fungi, prostis and the coronavirus is more susceptible to being received when you share your bong or joint.

So, save yourself and just bring a pipe with you and tell your stoner friends to do the same. You can still share the weed and good laughs, but at least you’re keeping your saliva on the down low. 

Instead Bake Some Edibles:

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

Weed brownies are a classic stoner treat. Plus, this gives your lungs some room for detox. Next time you invite your stoner friends for a smoke-sesh put them to work! 

THC and some other cannabinoids are fat-soluble, meaning they can be absorbed by fatty substances. All weed brownie recipes make use of this trait by infusing some kind of cooking fat (usually butter or oil) with cannabis.

This is incredibly easy; all it takes is some cooking fat, a stove with a low-heat setting, something to filter the weed from the fat once finished (like cheesecloth), and some top-shelf bud, of course. (Source)

Have weed infused hot drinks and soups:

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

If you are a true stoner then you know that there are tons of medical benefits that are found in THC. These weed infused hot drinks and soups can also build a stronger immunity system for you and maybe protect you from contracting the deadly coronavirus. We believe it’s better than chugging medicine, instead make yourself a nice mug of weed infused tea and relax your worries away. 

Check out some dispensaries where you can purchase cannabis powders and tinctures that can be mixed with drinks and soups. 

Bonus tip* try adding weed infused honey to your drinks, as it already contains tons of antioxidants to kill those nasty viruses that are spreading everywhere. 

Wear Weed Mask:

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

As China continues to report that there is still a growing number of cases of coronavirus, there have been images online circulating of people wearing face masks to avoid this nasty virus. 

Make sure you keep yourself protected in this awesome weed-mask! Not only are you being cautious, you’re also spreading positive reinforcement of weed. That you are a concerned stoner and that you don’t want that coronavirus anywhere near you!

CBD may strengthen your immune system:

Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners
Surviving 2020 from the Coronavirus for Stoners

CBD seemingly does it all, so it’s only natural that CBD may be able to strengthen your immune system while it’s at it. So order now today!

According to Dr. David Allen, “Cannabidiol (CBD) may offer control of the immune system and in turn, protect from viral infections. Cannabis has already been seen to inhibit fungus and bacteria and can be considered a new class of antimicrobial because of the different mechanism of action from other antimicrobials.” (Source)

So, please fellow stoners take care of your health and we hope that your 2020 is filled with more positivity. If you like our blogs, check more here!