• 2 years ago

4 Ways CBD Natural Remedies Can Improve Heart Health

natural remedies

According to WHO, heart disease is the leading cause of death around the world. About 18 million people succumb to the disease each year. However, according to a 2008 study, a significant percentage of heart attacks are preventable.

If you’re looking for natural remedies for heart disease, I am glad you’ve stumbled on this post. CBD has shown to be a useful supplement for alleviating common symptoms of heart disease. In fact, it can also help combat the underlying issues causing the condition.

Continue reading to learn ways cannabis natural remedies can support a healthy heart.

Cannabinoids and Heart Disease

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) regulates all the aspects of the human body. It is responsible for simple processes like body temperature autoregulation and blood coagulation. ESC consists of three main parts: Endocannabinoids, metabolic enzymes, and cannabinoid receptors.

Although CBD doesn’t interact with the cardiovascular system directly, it interacts with the endocannabinoid in a way that is beneficial to your heart health. To that end, here are ways in which CBD can help prevent heart disease.

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Lower Blood Pressure

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Most often your doctor will prescribe extensive lifestyle changes once diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension. In some instances, these may be a lifetime medication.

Patients with high blood pressure need to take the necessary measures to enhance their health as they are prone to heart attack, stroke, or kidney disease. Adding CBD oil to your daily routine is one natural remedy you may want to consider.

Compared to placebo, CBD has proved to be effective in lowering systolic and diastolic blood pressure in males.

Lowered blood pressure is among the potential CBD side effects. Interesting, this is more of a treatment than a risk when it comes to CBD and hypertension. CBD widens the blood vessels, creating room for more blood to flow. In the end, the damage that high blood pressure could do to arterial walls is significantly minimized.

Reducing Inflammation

Inflammation of the heart is a serious health issue. When your heart is inflamed, the heart won’t be able to pump blood effectively in all parts of the body leading to a condition called myocarditis.

If not treated, inflammation can damage the heart and other parts of the vascular system. It can also worsen atherosclerosis, resulting in stroke and heart attack.

Cannabis natural remedies are effective anti-inflammatory properties. Cannabidiol for heart disease will effectively reduce inflammation (whether acute or chronic). Cannabidiol has been shown to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory mediators, including tumor necrosis factor-alpha.

Other studies have shown that cannabidiol inhibits the NF-κB signaling pathway, thus preventing inflammation. Besides, cannabidiol is effective in the treatment of rheumatoid among other inflammatory diseases.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

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Chronic stress and anxiety lead to increased levels of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. Stress can also cause a heart attack as it can cause blood clotting. Besides, depression, social isolation, etc. have been shown to cause heart diseases.

CBD oil has an anxiolytic effect on our bodies, meaning it will help alleviate stress and act as a natural remedy for depression. CBD has also been shown to treat insomnia and maintain quality sleep. All these will enhance the wellbeing of the heart and other body organs.

CBD will also help alleviate social anxiety which could otherwise cause heart disease.

Reduced Arrhythmia

A heart arrhythmia occurs when your heart beats too irregularly (too slow or too fast). Although this condition is not necessarily harmful, if the heartbeat is extremely irregular or is caused by a damaged heart, it can cause severe effects.

While more research is needed to ascertain how CBD treats arrhythmia, researchers believe that the endocannabinoid 2 AG is behind this.

What’s the Best Form of CBD for Heart Disease?

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With the many CBD products out there, choosing the best CBD for heart disease is not easy. Besides, different CBD brands have different products. The best CBD products to use for heart disease are CBD gummies, edibles, vape oils, tinctures, oils, capsules, and other many forms depending on the CBD manufacturers.

Talk to your doctor or CBD expert to determine which form of CBD is best for you and the right dosage. Possible CBD side effects include changes in appetite, diarrhea, fatigue, and weight changes.

CBD for Heart Disease – Final Thought

It’s no doubt that CBD is an effective natural remedy for many underlying causes of heart disease, including anxiety, inflammation, diabetes, atherosclerosis, etc. It will help reduce the development of heart disease and slow the progression of specific types of heart problems.

Even so, ensure to talk to your doctor before taking CBD for heart disease, especially if you’re taking other medications.