• 2 years ago

5 Best Weed Leaf Tattoo Pics (Dec) For CBD Lovers

If you’ve ended up on this page then chances are you are looking for a weed leaf tattoo or you are just incredibly bored which is exactly why we are here.

1. This is the coolest Simpson weed leaf tattoo in existence.

Check out the entire process in the video below. PS. If you think you’ve seen a better Simpson/weed tattoo than email it in to us and we’ll see if it’s ‘post worthy’.

Also Read:- 6 Funniest All Time Favorite Weed Memes That CBD Brand Share

2. Stoned Dr. Rick weed tattoo…are you serious?

If you think this tattoo is badass then we HIGHLY recommend you checkout the artists Instagram page. Easily one of the best tattoo artists i’ve seen in a long time.

3. This guy definitely smokes weed

Kudos to the artist who crafted this beautiful tattoo. It takes a really big man, probably named Billy Bob to pull this off and damn does it look good. This weed leaf tattoo is kick ass!

4. It takes big balls

Usually a tattoo so hideous and stupid wouldn’t make our list but today we are appreciating the big balls you need to come home with a tattoo like this. Which begs the question, how much would it take for you to get this tattooed on your ass? I’m thinking a cool $25,000.

5. Frankiln gets lit…literally.

This one definitely hits home. As a 90’s baby glued to the TV, Franklin was definitely a top favorite sho next to “Hey Arthur“. What I like most about this tattoo is how chilled Franklin looks, like a 18 year old stoner waiting on his friend Bear to hit the doobie after class. Kudos to the artist!


Thinking of getting a weed leaf tattoo?

Check out these amazing weed tattoo artists on Instagram (in random order)

Read more here!